Demand GenerationSaaS CloudTrending Topics Marketing should focus exclusively on Lead Generation except… Investors and senior leaders from other functions often have a view that marketing…Steve KeiferNovember 16, 2012
BlogCurrent Insights Why You Should Hire a Consulting Relations Professional Most technology CEOs dream about lowering their cost of sales through effective use…Steve KeiferNovember 3, 2012
ArchiveBlog Windows 8 and Software Release Naming Strategies Last Friday was the long-anticipated release of Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system. With…Steve KeiferOctober 30, 2012
BlogEpic Posts The Marketing Hackathon If engineers and programmers can have hackathons, why can’t marketing professionals? Today’s social…Steve KeiferOctober 16, 2012
ArchiveBlog What Facebook, Amazon, Google and can Teach Us about Product Naming I think the leading cloud computing providers have some of the best naming…Steve KeiferOctober 9, 2012
ArchiveBlog Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; but I know which half it is and how to fix it. There is a popular saying which goes "Half the money I spend on…Steve KeiferSeptember 25, 2012
ArchiveBlog Cool Tradeshow Giveaway – The Buzz Killer Most of us have experienced that annoying buzz interference that can occur during…Steve KeiferSeptember 11, 2012
BlogCurrent Insights Start Your Next Conference Presentation Like a Movie You are standing on stage in front of an audience of 300. It's…Steve KeiferAugust 20, 2012
ArchiveBlog The Best Marketing Quote I Have Heard All Year "No matter how long you've been in the marketing business, right now you…Steve KeiferAugust 4, 2012
BlogCurrent Insights Why You should Hire a Training Professional for Your Marketing Organization One of the best ways to nurture relationships with prospective buyers is to…Steve KeiferJuly 17, 2012