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Cord Cutting Complicates Corporate Webinars

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As marketers, we always remind webinar presenters to use a landline phone to…

BDRs – Eight Habits of Highly Successful Organizations (Part Two)

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Many people underestimate the level of effort required to build a Highly Successful…

BDRs – Eight Habits of Highly Successful Organizations (Part One)

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BDRs have become a critical component of the sales and marketing strategy for…

Could 3D Printing Revolutionize Direct Mail?

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3D Printers could be game changing for dimensional mail. Many of the historical…

Landing Pages Should Offer Downloads to the Cloud (Not Just Your Hard Drive)

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Cloud Storage services such as Dropbox,, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive are…

Marketers Need Goggles for the Enterprise

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A CMO walks into his/her weekly planning meeting. The first item on the…

What Swingers Can Teach Us About Web Leads

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One of my favorite scenes from the movie Swingers is when the group…

Should you Send Marketing Emails on Friday Afternoon?

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You have been scrambling all week to prepare a very important notification to…

What Dropbox Can Teach Us About Marketing

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In the past 12 months there has been a surge in adoption of…

Dimensional Mail is Making a Comeback

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Rumors of the death of direct mail have been greatly exaggerated. In fact,…

Ten Examples of Growth Hacking

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I have read a number of blogs and articles about growth hacking over…

Personal Brand versus Corporate Brand

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Over the past six months I have noticed the phrase "personal brand" popping…

Don’t Hire a Developer to Build Your Next Mobile App, Do It Yourself with AppMachine

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Mobile apps are no longer a nice-to-have. They are an expectation.  Your company…

I Wish Marketing Content Were Read on a Kindle

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Marketing Automation Management software from companies like Eloqua, Hubspot and Marketo has brought us…

How Technical is Your Marketing Organization

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Technology has become a critical factor in every marketing organization’s ability to be…

There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be in Marketing

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There’s never been a better time for marketing professionals to be able to…

Fall in Love with Outbound Marketing Again

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Over the past five years, outbound marketing has become the red-headed stepchild of…

Marketing Automation Software Should Offer Personalized Recommendations like

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Some of the most powerful features of marketing automation software are in the…

What Flight Attendants Can Teach Us about Marketing

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I fly between 50,000 and 100,000 air miles per year on average.  So…

Widespread Outbreak of Billy Madison’s Disease Follows Google Penguin Updates

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Do you feel like optimizing your website for Google’s new Penguin release is…

Packaging Your Content into Kits

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Content marketing leaders are always looking for new resources to support their lead…

Take a Shark Tank approach to Prioritizing Marketing Investments

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For those outside of the US who may not be familiar with Shark…

Hire a Kindergartener to Name Your Next Product

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My six year old recently finished Kindergarten. While he learned many different things…

Google Glass and the Other Top Tradeshow Prize Giveaways of 2014

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“Enter now and you have a chance to win a new iPad (or…

Downloadable Apps – The New, New Thing in Lead Generation

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Over the past 10 years one of the most effective ways to generate…

Six Killer 21st Century Business Models

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I recently finished reading the book Business Model Generation, which is an excellent…

Marketing New Technologies – The Big Bang Theory

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Last week I gave a presentation to 350 people on emerging technology trends. …

Ways to Issue Technical Equity for Your Platform

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In my last post I discussed how companies could issue technical equity to…

Building Technical Equity in Your Platform

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There is a lot of talk about technical debt these days. (There is…

Windows 8 and Software Release Naming Strategies

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Last Friday was the long-anticipated release of Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system.  With…

What Facebook, Amazon, Google and can Teach Us about Product Naming

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I think the leading cloud computing providers have some of the best naming…

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; but I know which half it is and how to fix it.

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There is a popular saying which goes "Half the money I spend on…

Cool Tradeshow Giveaway – The Buzz Killer

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Most of us have experienced that annoying buzz interference that can occur during…

The Best Marketing Quote I Have Heard All Year

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"No matter how long you've been in the marketing business, right now you…

What Office Space Can Teach Us about Product Management

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Although the discipline of product management continues to be more and more critical to…

How Cloud Computing is Changing Product Management

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Everyone is talking about cloud computing and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) these days.  Almost every…

Hiring Lessons from the New Small

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As I mentioned in my last post, I recently completed reading Phil Simon's…

Competing with the New Small

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I recently completed Phil Simon's book the New Small, which is focused on…

Platform Effects – Second Best is Good Enough

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In my last post I summarized the platform strategies of, Facebook, Google…

Platform Business Models

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A few months ago I read an excellent book by Phil Simon entitled…

The Problem with Tradeshows…

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After reading the title of this post you are probably thinking – so…

Fail Fast and Fail Forward

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I just finished reading an interesting book by Peter Sims entitled Little Bets. …

Explaining Platform as a Service – Part 2

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In my last post, I discussed the business rationale behind one of the…

Explaining Platform-as-a-Service to Business Executives

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Everyone is talking about cloud computing these days.  As a spokesperson at a…

Marketing Lessons from

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Over the holidays I had the opportunity to read Marc Benioff's book Behind…

Great List of Content Marketing Ideas

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Most books and articles on content marketing skillfully omit the part about what…

Eight Great Patent Strategies

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As I mentioned in my last post, I recently finished reading Rembrandts in…

Dusting Off Rembrandts in the Attic

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I recently finished reading the book Rembrandts in the Attic by Kevin G.…

How Social Media is Changing Journalism (and Tradeshows)

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Last month I watched a fascinating movie called the Bang Bang Club, which…

Even the Step Brothers Could Get Funding in Today’s Tech Bubble

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Everyone is talking about a bubble in Internet stocks as valuations continue to…

What the Federal Government can teach us about Requirements Definition

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At some point in their career every product manager has experienced frustrations with…

Crowdsourcing Competitive Intelligence

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At most organizations Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a function that is underappreciated and…

Inbound Marketing

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I picked up a copy of Inbound Marketing by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh…

Cloud Product Managers need to Take More Responsibility for Operational Aspects of their Services

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In my last post, I began a discussion on how the role of…

Pricing Cloud Services

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Everyone is talking about cloud computing and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) these days.  Almost every…

Does Awesome Customer Service Trump Excellent Marketing?

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A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to read Tony Hseih’s book…

Everybody Works in Smaller Marketing Organizations

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There is an excellent chapter in the book Rework by Jason Fried and…

Outages Suffered by Cloud Computing and SaaS Providers

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Over the past 18 months there have been an increasing number of high-profile…

Three Funny Cloud Computing Videos

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This past weekend I had the opportunity to present at Product Camp DC…

Designing Products for the Cloud

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This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the first ever Product…

Top 10 Quotes Heard at Product Camp DC

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Today, we held the very first Product Camp DC here at the Network…

Advanced Considerations in Podcasting

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Contrary to popular belief, podcasts were not named after Apple’s revolutionary iPod device. …

Are Malcolm Gladwell’s Mavens and Connectors the Key to Social Media Success?

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In my last post, I described Paul Revere as an historical case study…

Paul Revere – A Case Study in Word of Mouth

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On the night of April 18th, 1775, Paul Revere was instructed to ride…

The Year of the Corporate PR Crisis

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Over the past year there have been a series of very high profile…

Israel – A Model for Innovation in High Tech

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Innovation is without question the buzzword of the year in 2010. Every tradeshow…

Every Marketing Department should buy a New iPhone

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Today was the official launch of the new Apple iPhone 4 in several…

10.10.10 – The Ultimate Product Launch Date

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In just over four months from today, marketers around the world will have…

Ask Questions at Tradeshows to Build Awareness

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The ROI from exhibiting or sponsoring a tradeshow is increasingly being questioned by…

Marketing Executives Should Begin to Think Cradle-to-Cradle

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I believe that every marketing executive needs to become knowledgeable about the environmental…

Four Types of Crowdsourcing

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I recently finished reading Jeff Howe’s book Crowdsourcing. One of the key takeaways…

Give Away Umbrellas at Tradeshows in Seattle

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I'm at the NACHA (National Automated Clearinghouse) Payments 2010 conference in Seattle, WA…

15 Key Ideas from Hot, Flat and Crowded

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It's Earth Day this coming Thursday. In preparation for a presentation I am…

If You Innovate They Will Come

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I was walking through the Newark airport last night when I noticed a…

The Marketing Technology Lab

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In today’s B2B environment, the web has become the dominant platform for marketing.…

17 Things You May Not Know about Google

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I recently finished reading Ken Auletta’s book Googled. Unlike many of the Google…

Getting Real – Must Read Book for Technology Marketing Professionals

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Getting Real is a must read for all marketers. The impact Agile Development…

We’ve Got a Super Bowl Ad – Remembering the Dot Com Era

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One of my fondest memories of the Dot Com era was the hype…

Why I like Yammer Ten Times Better than Twitter

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Like many people I know I continue to struggle to find the value…

Chris Anderson’s Book Free – Worth Every Penny!

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Chris Anderson’s Free is a must read for anyone responsible for pricing, strategy…

When Will Technology Analyst Market Research be Free?

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There are numerous examples of free services offered in other digital goods markets…

The Big Switch is Not about Cloud Computing

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The Big Switch is extremely well written, with lots of fascinating historical stories…

Google Your Marketing Group – Encourage your Thought Leaders to Spend 20% of their Time Developing Content

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Google encourages its employees to spend 20% of their time on creative endeavors…

Four Guiding Principles from the World Wide Rave

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If you have not picked up a copy of World Wide Rave I…

When is the Best Time to Send Your Customers an E-Mail Newsletter?

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One of the most heavily debated topics in the marketing communications segment today…

Optimize Image and File Names for Search Engines

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Corporate marketing organizations are missing a significant opportunity to improve search engine placement…

Make Your Events and Conferences less Boring

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One of the key challenges that marketing leaders facing in planning events/conferences is…

Twitter Widget on Verizon’s FiOS

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This past weekend I configured my FiOS TV service to access my Twitter…

Review of Groundswell

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I received a copy of Groundswell in March of 2008, while attending Forrester’s…

Washingtonian features DC Metro Map on Cover after Last Month’s Fatal Crash

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I was in the grocery store last night and while waiting in the…

Make Your Logos and Product Images Downloadable from Your Web Site

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One of the things I like best about Microsoft’s web site is the…

Should Equity Research be cited in Corporate Marketing Messages?

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Last week UPS was forced to stop running a television ad that claimed…

Microsoft should Display Ads instead of Error on Publicly Facing PCs

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I was walking through Dulles Airport on my way home from a conference…

Microsoft takes a Bite out of Apple’s Core Strengths with New TV Ads

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In my opinion, Microsoft’s advertising campaigns are among the worst I have seen…

Leveraging Linked In Applications for Corporate Marketing

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There are ten new applications that have been added to LinkedIn recently from…

Top 5 Things I Learned from the 42 Rules Book

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In my last post, I discussed my opinions of the new book 42…

42 Rules for Linked In – Book Review

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I recently completed the new 42 Rules for 24 Hour Success on Linked…

Using Kindle to Ignite Your Marketing Strategy

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In my last post, I commented on how the new features in Kindle…

iPhone, Blackberry and Kindle will Compete

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There are a number of additional features introduced with the Kindle 2.0 that…

Why is charging for Blog Feeds to Kindle?

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Kindle 2.0 owners cannot only read books, but also magazines, newspapers and most…